Other Stories


Me in Malaga, Spain
Me in Malaga, Spain

Tagged by Nadia Himmatul Ulya and Nabila As’ad about a week ago (yes, this is late). I don’t think I’m good in describing myself but I’ll try. Here’s 20 facts about me:

1. I am the first child in my family. I have two younger sisters and a younger brother. I love them so much.

2. I’ve been away from my parents since I was in high school. My parents always give me trust to do what I wanna do and respect my choice (while they of course still give me some advice). For me, it means freedom with responsibility.

3. When I was a child I never wanted to be a doctor like (most of) other children did. I was passionate to be a singer because I thought it is nice to do what I love and get some money at the same time. Haha. Throughout primary and junior high I wanted to be an astronaut and architec. But then I ended up choosing Economics as my major.

4. Actually I am also interested in Media and Communication. If possible, that would be my second major.

5. I love and enjoy writing but I am not good in writing fiction. As for reading, I enjoy novels and traveling books. I like novels with history background.

6. The first time I wrote an email was in 1999 when my dad studied in Australia. He made me a yahoomail account then in one of his letter (sent by post), he wrote me the direction about how to open my mailbox. I went to an internet cafe (located in a shooping mal) with my younger sister for the sake of writing my dad an email. How exciting!

7. I am not picky in eating. I mean I like almost all kinds of food: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. It was because my mom would get mad if I didn’t wanna eat this and that. But now I am thankful for that.

8. When I was a child until teenager, I had many penpals. Therefore, I also received many many letters. I was really sad when (almost) all the letters were gone because of severe flood in Jakarta in 2002.

9. I travel not because I am rich, instead I wanna be rich (in experience). During the final year in college (bachelor), I worked and saved the money for traveling after my graduation. I traveled with a friend to five SOutheast Asian countries. That was an unforgettable journey!

10. I thought my friend and I were almost kidnapped by tuktuk driver when we’ve just arrived in Siem Reap, Cambodia, back in 2010. That was after a big fight with tuktuk driver because we were scammed.

11. Three years after graduation, I’ve worked in/with three different organisations. So far I see myself want to explore different kinds of thing.

12. I was in Korea for a year in 2007 but I never become a fan of Korean boyband and/or girlband. Uhm..not a fan of kimchi, either. Haha.

13. I speak Indonesian, Sundanese, English, (basic) Korean and a little Japanese and Dutch (yeahh een beetje Nederlands as always!). Before I left for Netherlands I was optimistic that I would conquer the language. I was wrong. However, I am still eager to learn it.

14. Movie? I love drama. But I like comedy, too.

15. I adapt to new places, people and situation quite well.

16. My fave color is blue.

17. I do respect diversity.

18. I like singing but I don’t play music instrument (suling recorder gak dihitung yah haha..). Always want to start learning though… (but since my husband play guitar and drum, probably I don’t need to :p)

19. Currently I am trying (and learning) to (consistently) cook healthy food and eat healthy food.

20. I’ve blogged since 2004. My first blog was in Friendster. It was kinda cool back then. Hehe.. In 2006, I (oh I mean my blog) moved to Multiply and blogged there until the site was closed in 2012. I have heard rumor that Mupltiply was about to be closed, so I made the new one in WordPress. There I ‘meet’ some old fellow bloggers as well as new ones. I am grateful that I have more friends. I really enjoy blogging.

Ps. I don’t tag anyone to do the same. People have many home works already. Haha.


10 thoughts on “Twenty”

    1. Hehehe.. menyimpulkan dari yg mana say? 😀
      Iya aku emang tampak luarnya serius kali..tp lama2 kalo dah lebih kenal sih ketahuan aslinya. temen sekantorku dulu malah nyuruh aku jd pelawak aja. *gubrak*


    1. Pas aku nutup FS belum berubah jadi situs game sih. Cuma udah males aja, waktu itu aku udah bikin akun fb tahun 2007. Hehe..
      Sayangnya aku waktu itu gak backup tulisan2 di blog. Padahal lucu juga ya kalo dibaca lagi sekarang hehehe…


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